Studio Steven Swain


​tessellate a+d's news and visual diary of the projects we are working on.

Tessellate a+d representing Australia at 2014 Venice Architecture Biennale


Tessellate a+d is pleased to be representing Australia at 2014 Venice Architecture Biennale with our unbuilt Hybrid Cathedral.

Both speculative and inspirational, our inner city Hybrid Cathedral proposes a new typology for a place of worship by connecting faith and social enterprise with commercial venture using mathematical equations to mediate the three. One of only eleven projects selected, the Cathedral will be brought to life through augmented reality as part of the Augmented Australia exhibition.

Visitors to the exhibition can visualise, walk through and admire the scale and greatness of the Cathedral by triggering a catalogue of virtual material using their smart phone.

Follow Venice Architecture Biennale - Australian Exhibition on Facebook and Twitter

Hybrid Cathedral

The Cathedral is a study into how the economics of housing, aged care and a business hotel can fund the creation of a new cathedral for the recently established Melbourne Docklands, while also funding the church’s ongoing social work.

Sited upon a man-made rise re-establishing Batman’s Hill, which was demolished in the 1860s, the cathedral reveals itself externally through the spiritually significant east and west façades while the north and south façades reference the detailing of apartment buildings in the local context.

The design is derived from a set of mathematical equations which within their parameters have the ability to mediate between the sacred geometry of past cathedrals and the diverse and disparate functions that inhabit this new one’s skin. 

The cathedral’s structure and geometry can be distilled and communicated by a few lines within an equation. By being of the world of numbers, it can be internationally communicated without prejudice. It can then be easily recreated, altered, added to, subtracted from and influenced by whoever comes in contact with it, therefore breaking down or adding to the ownership and authorship of the design.

Hybrid Cathedral @ Docklands. tessellate a+d

Hybrid Cathedral @ Docklands. tessellate a+d

Hybrid Cathedral @ Docklands. tessellate a+d

Hybrid Cathedral @ Docklands. tessellate a+d

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